


Are you a bright and talented college student with a learning disability, 注意力缺陷多动症, or autism? 你学习和工作努力,但你的成绩没有表现出来吗? 你是否发现自己越来越落后了? This 夏天 study with other bright and talented students who learn differently—students from a variety of colleges and universities around the country, 以及地标学院的在校生, who will share their experiences and learning strategies as fellow classmates in credit courses.

2024年7月7日星期日- 8月10日星期六*
*Classes are held on Friday and residence halls will close at noon on Saturday the 10th.


8500美元,外加150美元可退还的损坏押金. 费用包括双人宿舍房间、餐费和活动费.)


你在Landmark College的暑期学习收获:

Our years of experience with students who learn differently have shown that focusing, 即使是很短的时间, 学习的方式对你在学校的成功有很大的影响.


  • 更好地了解你的学习差异和学习方式
  • 学会如何倡导你的学习需求
  • 在学术领域建立学习策略
  • 培养在学术环境中运用的各种学习技巧
  • 了解支持学习的辅助和教育技术
  • 与教授联系, 顾问, 和同学们一起建立一个相互支持和学习的社区
  • Identify the tools and strategies you will take with you that will help you to become more strategic in your approach to college

Landmark college emphasizes the importance of wellness as part of our holistic approach to education. The Summer Bridge Program is an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of the concept and to begin to practice it as a part of their experience here. It is a concept that they will encounter in the classroom and in events and 活动 during the program. 鼓励学生修读1学分的体育课程, 参加与健康相关的讲座, and engage in wellness 活动 which in past 夏天 semesters have included walking, 徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 瑜伽, 正念冥想.

Students who struggle with social anxiety and have difficulty making friends have the option of participating in social support 活动, 包括社会实践研讨会和学生事务活动. Resident assistants are available as peer mentors to provide information about 活动 and to help students feel connected to the Landmark College community.



  • 每周一次由LC的专业顾问提供建议. 会议可包括自我反省和自我宣传等主题, 目标规划与设定, 学业成功的策略, 并确定未来的下一步
  • Access to the College’s Center for 学术支持, a real hub in the learning process at LC. 配备专业的工作人员和教师, 德雷克提供阅读支持, 写作, 学习技巧, 和课程
  • Students can get additional academic support during regularly scheduled faculty office hours
  • 与经验丰富的图书馆员和教育技术人员合作的机会


The 夏季桥牌体验 is offered on Landmark College’s rural campus in picturesque southern Vermont. 普特尼镇距离历史悠久的伯瑞特伯勒只有9英里, 被评为“美国十大艺术小镇”之一.”


经济援助是可用的,并在接受后颁发. 财政援助申请 先到先得,请尽早申请.


地标学院也提供秋季或春季课程 桥的经验 给来访的大学生. Spending a semester at Landmark College gives students a boost to their learning strategies, 技能, 和自我认知, acting as a bridge to success when they return to their home college or transfer to another institution.

Track a -发展Track

学生选 跟踪 将采取必要的, 缩小差距 课程和写作课(如下所述). 学生还可以选择选修一门学分单一的体育选修课.

在大学里管理学业需求是很有挑战性的. Students benefit from understanding both theoretical and practical approaches to what supports academic success. This course is designed to promote self-advocacy by building on students’ individual and personal academic experiences and identifying specific areas for further academic development or accommodation. 通过各种主题的阅读,如身份发展, 多样性, 股本, 和包容, 和神经的多样性, students will develop their self-awareness and self-advocacy through practical application and understanding of the law and disability rights.

This course is designed for students who struggle to understand and respond to the demands of academic 写作. 它侧重于帮助学生发展有效的写作策略, distinguish between types of secondary sources and practice effectively integrating source material into drafts. 通过讨论和个别会议, 作为学习者,学生将了解自己的天赋和挑战. 学生通过阅读运用新学的策略获得自信, 写作, 以及与同伴的互动和动手活动.


Students in Track B will take the required noncredit 缩小差距 class and their choice of a single credit elective course from the options below.

在大学里管理学业需求是很有挑战性的. Students benefit from understanding both theoretical and practical approaches to what supports academic success. This course is designed to promote self-advocacy by building on students’ individual and personal academic experiences and identifying specific areas for further academic development or accommodation. 通过各种主题的阅读,如身份发展, 多样性, 股本, 和包容, 和神经的多样性, students will develop their self-awareness and self-advocacy through practical application and understanding of the law and disability rights.

WRT 1009 Special Topics: From Distraction to Production: Writing on demand and with purpose
Many strong writers struggle to begin 写作, sustain 写作, and complete 写作. 在本课程中, 学生将学习作曲理论和修辞学, 书写输出障碍, 注意力缺陷多动症, and executive functioning as a framework for understanding their own 写作 profiles. An emphasis will be placed on the management of written output and the relationship between the ways we manage 写作 demands and how we learn. 学生应该期望完成写作过程的所有阶段, 有意识地找出自己的优势和需要改进的地方. Every student will produce at least two essays that have been through the revision process.

资格: Students must submit a syllabus and a 写作 sample from a college level 写作 course or comparable 写作 intensive course taken in the last academic year. Eligibility for the course will be reviewed by the Director of the 夏季桥牌体验 program and the Chair of the Core Education department.

*This course fulfills an elective requirement and can be applied to any Landmark College graduation plan. Students who are looking to transfer these credits back to their home institutions should consult with their registrar.

并不是所有的大学都接受转学分. Students intending to transfer credits back to their home institution are encouraged to identify the most suitable course with their home institution. 先决条件可能适用,您的选择可能需要批准. 我们努力为您提供您选择的课程. 然而, enrollment is limited to 15 students per class to ensure a highly personalized learning experience. For this reason, classes are assigned on a first come, first-served basis, based on date of deposit.


Wednesdays are Meeting Days (1:1 with 顾问, or time at Drake Center foc 学术支持)

9 – 11:30 a.m.

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

1:30 – 4 p.m.

5 – 6:30 p.m.

体育选修课下午4:30 - 5:30上课.m.

社会实用主义工作坊将于7月15日和7月22日举行.  详见“社会实用主义支持”.

我们将与他们合作 地标大学成功中心 在圣马特奥, 加州将提供指导, 活动, and programming to help support students who would benefit from social pragmatic support. 除了, 会有社交辅导的机会, 以及家长会来补充学生们将要学习的内容. 这种支持对所有学生开放.



  • 7月15日星期一:PEERS会议1:工作坊- 6:30 - 8:00.m. 
  • 7月16日(星期二):网上活动6:30 - 8:00.m. 
  • 7月17日星期三:peer会议2:工作坊- 6:30 - 8:00.m. 
  • 7月18日星期四:网上和校外活动-下午6:30 - 8:00.m.                                                                                        家长会议7:00 - 8:00.m. ET -在线  
  • 7月19日星期五:个人社交辅导 


  • 7月22日星期一:PEERS会议3:工作坊- 6:30 - 8:00.m. 
  • 7月23日(星期二):网上活动6:30 - 8:00.m. 
  • 7月24日星期三:PEERS会议4:工作坊- 6:30 - 8:00.m.
  • 7月25日星期四:网上和校外活动-下午6:30 - 8:00.m. 

                              家长会议7:00 - 8:00.m. ET -在线

  • 7月26日星期五:个人社会辅导 